Welcome to my site! I’m Deepti, an artist, writer, and engineer. This is where I write about my Research Quests, Art Adventures, and other explorations.

My research quest, lately, is focused on sustainability, environmentalism, and addressing climate change.
To me, the most compelling question is the how of it all. Most of the people I know care deeply about the Earth and want to help! But it’s hard to know how, beyond the standard steps like driving less or recycling more, that don’t feel effective.
I’ve been reading, writing and questing to break environmental action down into easy steps. For me as much as anyone.
Want to hear from me? Sign up here to get sporadic Quest Updates and creativity tips!
If you’d like a free resource for newbie environmentalists (like me!), answer the mini-quiz below. And if not, head on over to my art page for some calming nature drawings.
Environmentalist Mini-Quiz
Living sustainably can be confusing, overwhelming, and feel like you’re getting nowhere. Want help identifying YOUR specific, personalized next step to protect the environment? Answer the question below to select your free resource and sign up for my newsletter.
(If you’d like all of them, just pick the one you’d like to look at first. You’ll get a link in the mail to the full resource library to browse at your leisure.)
Which best describes your feelings about your environmental efforts?